List of Services
Staff Council
Promotes a positive work environment for Classified Employees through effectively advocating for our peers in WVU's decision making process.
Staff Development & Training Opportunities
Offers courses for employees who aspire to develop and strengthen the tools needed to perform at their best.
Staff Development and Training
Staff Leadership Training & Development
Offers a variety of training and development opportunities for supervisors, managers, and leaders to gain the skillsets to enhance the culture of WVU while emphasizing the core values. We have developed several training sessions for leaders to learn new skills or enhance their current strengths.
Tools to Show Appreciation Towards Others
Access several easy to use tools for employees to show their recognition:
Recognition and Appreciation FAQs
Quickly send an Ecard of appreciation;
Low-cost/high-impact ideas to show appreciation
Appreciation & Recognition Toolbox
WVU Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP)
Provides professional staff and a safe place to sort through problems and determine the best resources available to address them. FSAP is a free service offered to employees and their dependents. FSAP is a confidential resource.
WV Women Work
Advocates for women on issues related to nontraditional employment, economic self-sufficiency and poverty. Helps women in WV earn a living wage and explore, train and secure employment in nontraditional occupations.