Child Welfare Information: Gateway's Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect
Factsheet discusses state laws that designate the groups of professionals who are required to report cases of suspected child abuse and neglect. It also addresses reporting by other persons.
Concealed Carry WV
West Virginia is a constitutional carry state. Open carry is legal with no requirement to have a license to carry a firearm, provided the person is at least 18 years old and is legally entitled to have a firearm under state and federal law. Some areas are off-limits, including schools (including WVU) and courthouses.
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Safety Resources
Resources on campus safety (e.g., active shooter), inclement weather, and more. If you have experienced Sexual Assault (on or off-campus) immediately call any police.
WVU Campus Emergency Alert & Notifications
WV Coalition against Domestic Violence
A state-wide organization that provides resources to victims of domestic and institutional violence through community networks. The WCDV also advocates for victims through public policy and awareness, prevention programs, and education. They also offer resource through collaborative projects like, Child Victimization, LGBTQ Committee, Abuse in Later Life Joint Partnership, and Behavioral Health Initiative.
Youth Protection Resources and training
WVU students engaging in Direct Contact with youth participants are required to complete Youth Protection Training, Title IX Training, and a Federal Background Check to ensure a safe and supportive environment.